Analytical Study of al Mathqab al Abdi's Favored Noon Rhymed Poem in Light of the Objective Equalizer Theory

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Sunday, September 29, 2013
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Fathi Abu Morad
& Hanan Alhatamleh

The study tries to approach the objective equalizer in al Methqab al Abdi's noon rhymed poem and its role in embodying the poet's affective and realistic experience and revealing it. The objective equalizer is a big issue of various phases. Therefore, the researcher is aware not to tackle all of its phases and dimensions in general. He only approached those phases that could be studied in the poem without diverting the text for other purposes, or forcing some objective equalizer phases in the poem. That is why the study focuses on the practical application and only deals with the following issues: objective equalizer concept, its types, clarity, its existence and formation in the text, some of its artistic indications and features, semi-psyche that governs it, and why the poet had to use it without a direct expression.

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