Warning in the Quran

Discussion Committee: 
Dr . Khader Sawandak/supervisor
Dr. Isma'eel Nawahdah/external examiner
Dr. Mohsen Al-Khaldee/internal examiner
Dr . Khader Sawandak
Adham Omar Abbas Kharashah
Warning: mean, reporting, news or media with intimidation, and has been mentioned by Allah in the Quran one hundred and twenty times, most of which are in Mecca; because that is suitable for the context of Arabs in that period, and their worshiping of idols. The interest of Quran in warning came as a great wisdom, it was to intimate people and threatening them of Allah`s punishment and wrath, and to remind and wake them up from their heedlessness, and to establish a proof against them by sending them the religion of Allah, and guide them through the righteous path. The beholder in the warning verses with reflection and meditation finds that there are five warning sources, namely: Allah Almighty, the prophets peace be upon them who sent warning to people, the Quran with what includes of the description of the punishment of Allah, believers, and finally the jinn; especially since they are charged with humans and They warning there race. The warning verses were related to seven varieties of directions: the believers, relatives, people of Mecca, and the allocation of warning verses to the oppressors, the people of the book, all the people, and finally the jinn. As revealed by warning verses, for the former nations attitudes toward prophets peace be upon them throughout the ages, has turned them away, scorn them, and deny the prophets, peace be upon them, and accused them of ugliest charges. Warning was one of the pillars of the call of the prophets throughout the ages, and showed aspects of warning in the life of a prophets, and the study pointed to some recipes were warned.
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