محددات الفقر وأثرها على التنمية العمرانية في محافظة نابلس

Discussion Committee: 
علا "محمد جواد" النوري أبو بكر
The poverty phenomenon is considered one of the most important phenomena that impeded the progress of the human civilization throughout the ages, and, such, it constituted a blatant challenge to the ethical and humane values, and also to the progress and enhancement in civilization. This allowed the poverty phenomenon to capture a wide range of rules and conventions in heavenly scriptures and laws, and become a focus of interest of philosophers , sages , and reformists throughout history, for the sake of treating this phenomenon and limiting its destructive repercussion . This study was effected as a result of what the spread if the poverty phenomenon in the Palestinian community caused , as effects and risks , when this community started its struggle for construction , liberty , and freedom from the Zionist occupation , though the phenomenon itself is too old , and it had hit hard against our people's march for progress and civilization . The phenomenon gains wide interest , now a days , both regionally and internationally , in fact , in 1993, there were about 1063 studies about the poverty phenomenon in English ,French , and Spanish of which 201 studies were about North America and South America , in contrast to only 10 studies in Arabic , this was one of the factors that prompted the researcher to choose this study in a limited geographical unit, with the title " Poverty determiners and their Effect on Construction Development in the Governorate of Nablus . The area , covered by the study , consists of lands attached to the city of Nablus , which lie in the northern part of the West Bank and administratively defined in 1994 , soon after the departure of the Israeli occupation forces from Nablus city and the coming of the Palestinian National Authority ; the area includes, in addition to the city of Nablus , 72 villages and three Palestinian refugees camps . The material of the study is distributed in six chapters , which displayed a whole organic unity with concentration on poverty determiners and their effect on the construction development in political , social , and econmic domains . The first chapter introduced the general framework of the study , the second chapter was devoted to the theoretical frame of study , the third chapter had the title " Demographic Structure " , the fourth chapter focused on economic structure and education level , the fifth chapter was about the " construction structure " , and the sixth chapter was devoted to conclusions and recommendation . The study contains , also , a group of tables , indexes , and graphs to illustrate the aims and objectives of the study , a set of sources and references was appended. One of the most important determiners, that played an important role in the spread of the poverty phenomenon in the Governorate is the Israeli occupation factor which exercised a regular impoverishment policy , this fact was clearly displayed in the occupation "poverty line " through its direct and indirect relationships with the determiners of unemployment ,population growth , education...
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