The Story Drama in the Hadith - Stylistic Reading

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Thursday, October 18, 2012
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Asma'a Al-Khatab
& Ali Younis

Scenic story in Hadith was used as a stylistic way to serve, explain and approximate the similar to minds, so the comprehensive feature between the two similar sides was stronger in the similar than the identical one, besides diagnosing the sensible presentation of the mental image, which excites a type of certainty for the receiver, also giving him the real ability to excite his emotions. Mentioning Hadith as a story with linguistic and eloquent context spreads life in the comparative image and gives it vitality and increases its inspirations, where we did not find a complex comparative image but we find a beau and simple structure. Also this style is considered as type of education, it prompts the spirit to good and virtue, and keeps it from wrongdoing in the same time. It gives mind the right thinking and the sound logic measurement. So, the story tries to make the receiver for ask the thing or keeping away from it, or trending it or disliking it.

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