النمط القيادي لمديري المدارس الثانوية في الضفة الغربية وتأثيره في الرضا الوظيفي للمعلمين باستخدام نموذج الشبكة الإدارية

Discussion Committee: 
علي "محمد واصف" طوقان
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between leadership style and Job Satisfaction. These two Constructs represent aspects of personal dimention of organizational behavior and were examined within the context of the Secondary Schools in the West Bank. Specifically the following research questions were examined. 1 - What are the dominant leadership style (according to the Managerial Grid) in Secondary Schools in the West Bank? 2 - Is there a relationship between leadership style and teachers' Job Satisfaction in these schools? 3 - Which leadership styles are more likely to achieve higher Jop satis faction? The managerial grid, a theoretical formulation of Blake and Mouton, was chosen as the means for examining leadership style. Like many other models of leadership, the managerial grid has two basic dimention--Concern for production and concern for people. Theoretical rationale: The theoretical constructs for the study were proffered by Blake and Mouton's managerial grid, Reddin's three - dimentional theory , Ohio State leadership studies of school administrators , Michigan and Harvard studies . Their works provided a vehicle for viewing leadership styles as categories of actual behaviors which were definable and amenable to empirical analysis. Two dimentions of organizational behavior, leadership style and job satisfaction, were selected for the analysis . These dimentions were selected because of their importance to schools' dynamics and functions. Further, there was a lack of conclusive research regarding the interaction between these two dimentions . Methodology : Two instruments were designed to collect data from principals and teachers of public schools concerning leadership style as perceived by principals and teachers and job satisfaction as perceived by teachers. Content validity of the instruments was established by judges and the reliability was established by a pilot sample. A- stratified (by sex and region) random sample of public secondary schools (about 40%) was selected. The total number of valid respondents were 60 principals (40 males, 20 females) and 331 teachers (215 males, and 116 females) The main questions were formulated in the following null hypotheses: a- leaders (principals) perceptions of their leadership style is Independent (Alpha = 0.05) of principals demographic variables (age, sex, degree, and experience) . b- Teachers perceptions of their principals, leadership style is independent (Alpha = 0.05) of the teachers, demographic variables (age, sex, degree, and experience) c- There is no significant difference (Alpha = 0.05) in teachers, overall job satisfaction which may be attributed to leadership style. d- There is no significant difference (Alpha = 0.05) in teachers' partial job satisfaction which may be attributed to leadership style. e- Teachers' job satisfaction may not be predicted (Alpha = 0.05) by leadership style and the demographic variables. Hypotheses (a) and (b) were tested by chi square. Hypotheses (c) and (d) were tested by one-way analysis of variance and hypothesis (e) was tested by stepwise multiple regression. Findings and conclusions: The first null hypothesis was rejected for the degree demographic variable only. The second null hypothesis was rejected for the sex variable only. Hypotheses (c) and (d) were rejected. The results show that leadership styles (9/9), (5/5), and (1/9/) are more effective in teachers' job satisfaction. Hypothesis (e) was rejected for the leadership style and years of experience variables. Recommendations: The results of the study suggest the following recommendations: 1- There is a need for a full scale adoption of a systematic program to develop administrative skills according to the concepts of the managerial grid. The program should include: a-In service training of principals based on the adopted program. b-In service training of selected teachers (potential future principals). 2- Production of a manual for principals concerning current international trends in school management. The manual should include a full account of the managerial grid and the results of this study. 3- Adoption of the style (9/9) as an effective leadership style (as reflected in this study) 4- Develop a practical scale for evaluation (based on the results of this study) of principals' practices in school leadership. 5- Develop a standardized scale for measuring job satisfaction in a school setting. The scale should take into account local, social, economic and political environment. 6- Conduct similar studies to study the effects of leadership style on other school variables such as students' performance.
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