The Role of Hidden Translation as a Means for Understanding the " others" and Cultural diversity in NorthStar Intermediate Textbook.

Dr.Khaled .A.Dweikat

Once a reader whose native language is not English starts reading a text written in English, he/she automatically and unconsciously tries the best to interpret and translate the text from English into the other language, in our case Arabic. In this case, a cognitive process, based on understanding, perceiving, inferring, interpreting the text, starts to work in the active human mind. This cognitive process will referred to as "hidden translation". By hidden translation the researcher refers to the idea that a reader does more than simply reading a text knowledge, as laid down in the process of reading for comprehensions. He /she as a matter of fact practices many different processes at the same time such as understanding, perceiving, inferring, interpreting, and above all the expected knowledge which are practiced unconsciously by the reader himself with the help of the text itself. Such hidden translation might change according to the reader's age, linguistic competence, educational level, familiarity and difficulty of the text, the type of the text, and on the motive or purpose of the reading activity as well. This means that it seems to exist within each one's brain but with different percentages according to the reader's linguistic competence in the source language and the target language.

Thus, hidden translation is considered to be a compulsory process based on unwritten principles of translation and never taught under ant translation theory which seeks to help the reader I comprehend the text, otherwise, the reader will understand nothing from the text.

Therefore, the aim of this paper is to investigate how using hidden translation can contribute to understanding the other in the NorthStar Intermediate Textbook which has been taught at AN-Najah University since 2006 as a compulsory course (10103) as textbook for TEFL. The researcher aims to analyze the NorthStar textbook and give some examples that represent how the other is represented in the textbook and how cultural diversity is represented in the brain of the reader based on the so called "hidden translation". The researcher assumes that reader's understanding of the text is logically based on a kind of translation that is implicitly hidden in the readers' mind that aims to comprehend the text. This comprehension can't be achieved without using some cognitive processes that help the reader understand the text.