وجهات نظر المديرات والمعلمات وأولياء الأمور الإناث نحو تأنيث الهيئة التدريسية في المرحلة الأساسية الدنيا من المدارس الحكومية والمدارس الخاصة في محافظات شمال فلسطين

Discussion Committee: 
أ.د. جودت أحمد سعادة- مشرفاً
أ. د. أحمد فهيم جبر- ممتحناً خارجياً
د. عبد الناصر عبد الرحيم القدومي- عضواً
أ.د. جودت أحمد سعادة
ميسرة نايف محمد الكمنجي
The study aimed at exploring the points of views of female school principals, teachers and parents towards the system of feminizing the staff teachers in the lower basic stage of governmental and private schools in the northern districts of Palestine. The study aimed an answering the following questions: 1 - What are the points of views of female school principals, teachers and parents toward the system of feminizing the teaching staff in the lower basic stage of governmental and private schools in the northern districts of Palestine ? 2 - Do the points of views of the female school principals, teachers and parents towards feminizing the teaching staff in the lower basic stage of both governmental and private schools in the northern districts of Palestine differ according to the variable of district? 3 - Do points of views of the female school principals, teachers and parents towards feminizing system of the teaching staff in the lower basic stage of governmental and private schools in the northern districts of Palestine differ according to the variable of the position? 4 - Do the points of views of female school principals, teacher and parents towards the feminizing system of the teaching staff in the lower basic stage of governmental and private schools in the northern districts of Palestine differ according to the variable of the academic degree? 5-Do the points of views of female school principals, teachers and parents toward the feminizing system of the teaching staff in the lower basic stage of governmental and private schools in the northern districts of Palestine differ according to the variable of the supervising authority? To answer these questions, the researcher implemented a questionnaire on the sample study which covered (16) female school principals ,who represent about (23%) of the population, (64) female teachers who represent (20%) of the population in both governmental and private schools, and (80) female parents who represent (16%) of the population study who are members of mothers teachers councils in the chosen private and governmental schools in the northern districts of Palestine during the second semester of the scholastic year (2000-2001) . The instrument of study was distributed to a group of jury to test its validity. The reliability of the questionnaire was calculated by using test-retest method and it was ( 0.83 ). The researcher used the appropriate statistical methods in analyzing the results of the study .After implementing the study; the results were shown by using arithmetic mean. The professional dimension stood in the first rank as it reached (72.4%), while the psychological dimension came in the second rank, and the points of views estimated as (72.3%).The achievement and cognitive dimension came in the third rank, the overall grade of points of views was (71 0/0). The value and social dimension stood in the fourth rank and the general point of view was high which was estimated as (70%) and the behavioral dimension stood in the fifth rank and the general point of view was strong but less stronger as estimated (65.4%) and the economical dimension stood in the sixth rank and the general point of view was relatively positive which was estimated as (63.2%). The general overall points of view of female school principals, teachers and parents in both government and private schools in the northern districts of Palestine about all the dimensions were positive and reached (69%). The statistical analysis revealed the following results :- 1 - There were statistical differences at the level of (0.05) on the social and value dimensions ,psychological dimension, behavioral dimension ,economical dimension and the total degree between districts of:- *Qabatia and Jenin in favor of Jenin. *Qabatia and Nablus in favor of Nab Ius. *Qabatia and Tulkarem in favor ofTulkarem. There were no statistical differences on the other dimensions. 2 - There were statistical differences at the level of (0.05) on the cognitive, achievement and professional dimensions between :- *Female principals and female parents in favor of female principals. *female teachers and female parents in favor of teachers. 3- There were statistical differences at the level of (0.05) on the psychological dimension between female teachers and female parents in favor of female teachers. 4- There were statistical differences at the level of (0.05) on the general degree for all the dimensions between female teachers and female parents in favor of female teachers .In the same time there were no statistical differences at the level of (0.05) on the rest dimensions (social, value, behavioral and economical ones). 5 - There were no statistical differences at the level of (0.05)according to the academic qualification variable. 6- There were statistical differences at the level of (0.05)according to the variable of the supervising authoring in favor of private schools. 7- There were statistical differences at the level of (0.05)between: -Value and social dimension and behavioral and economical dimension in favor of value and social dimension. -Achievement and cognitive dimension and economical and behavioral dimension in favor of achievement and cognitive dimension. -Psychological dimension and behavioral and economical dimension in favor of psychological dimension. -Professional dimension and behavioral and economical dimension in favor of professional dimension. While there were no statistical differences between: -Social dimension and achievement, cognitive, psychological and professional dimensions. -Psychological and professional dimension. -Behavioral and economical dimension.
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