مشكلات طلبة الدراسات العليا في جامعات الضفة الغربية

Discussion Committee: 
د. محمود أحمد كوري- مشرفاً رئيساً
د.أحمد فهيم جبر- ممتحناً خارجياً
د. عبد الناصر عبد الرحيم القدومي- عضواًً
د. حسني فهمي المصري- عضواً
د. محمود أحمد كوري
سليم محمود احمد عثمان
Statement of the problem: The purpose of this study was to investigate administrative, economical, academic, psychological, and social problems facing the graduate students in West Bank as perceived by them. It also aimed at revealing them. It also attempted to ascertain the effects of the study variables (demographic age, gender, marital status, accumulated academic average, profession, faculty, monthly income, provenance of the bachelor degree and the student major study in the general secondary catificate). The research questions: As a means of constructing the problem, the researcher sought to answer the following question: 1- What is the extent of the perception of graduate students of administrative, economical, academic, psychological, and social problem in West Bank. 2- Is there a significant difference in the graduate students, perception of administrative, economical, academic, psychological, and social problems attributed to demographic, age, gender, marital status, accumulated academic average, profession, faculty, monthly income, provenance of the bachelor degree,. and the student major study in the general secondary certificate. Methodology: The sample of the study consisted of (235) graduate students, representing 15% of the study population. A questionnaire was developed tested and validated, it included 84 items covering the areas of administrativ, academic, economical, psychological and social problems. The collected data was analyzed by the computer, and the following statistical methods were used in testing the hypotheses of the study: - T-test - One way analysis to variance Findings: The results of the study revealed the following The order of the problems facing the graduate students in the northen Palestine universities as the following: 1- Administrative problem. 2- Economical problem. 3- Academicall problem. 4- Psychological problem. 5- Social problem. 3 Also, the researcher found, no significant differences at (α =0.05) level regarding the graduate students in the Palestinian universities attributed to marital status, profession, major study in the secondary schools, provenance of the bachelor degree, monthly income and the accumulated academic average. Recommendation: In accordance to this study, the researcher recommends the following: 1. Relate the objectives of the higher education to the needs of the Palestinian society in particular an the Arab nation in general 2. Review the objectives of the higher education regularly. Representatives of various production sectors, services, thinkers, planners and educators should participate in this review. 3. Establish special programs for the purposes of exchanging professors between universities, in order to benefit from their experiences. 4. Offer the financial support to the students of higher educates in term of easy credits to the needy students, in order to reduce their financial burden. 5. Develop the services of the libraries by extending the time of their opening by supplying them with new periodicals and books regularly. 6. Conducting farther research on the graduate students problem in Gaza governorate.
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