دراسة تأثير نباتات فلسطين على نشاط الخلايا السرطانية

Discussion Committee: 
أ.د. محمد سليم اشتية- مشرفا
د. محمد مسمار- ممتحنا داخليا
د. حازم صوالحة- ممتحنا خارجيا
أ.د. محمد سليم اشتية
وليد محمود حسان خليليه
One hundred and fifteen ethanolic extracts prepared from 96 plant species from Palestine were evaluated for anticancer activity against two prostate cancer cell lines, PC-3 and LNCaP; and one breast cancer cell line, MCF-7, using cell proliferation MTT assay and a 96-microwell plate-reader. The results demonstrated that the studied plants differ significantly in their activity against test cancer cell lines. The most active plant species against test cancer cell lines include 0 lumen persicum Mill, Lyclum europeum, Echallium elalerium L Euphorhia uphorhiaa, Capparis ,spinosa, Ononis sicula, (hiss., Anthems tunictoria , Verbaseun ,Sinuaium, and Neriun oleander L. For PC-3 cell line the most active plants include Cyclamen persicum Mill, CurOpeum L, Ecballium elaterium (L.) Rick Euphorbia hicrsolymitana Boiss,Anthemas nmictoria L verbascun sinuatun L. and nernim oleander L. For Lncap cell line the most active plants include Cycamen persicum Mill, Verbascum sinuatum L. and apparts spinrosa L. For MCF 7 cell the most active plant species include Cyclamen presicum Mill Lycium evropewnv Euphoibia hierosolymuana Ononis sieula Guss Another importsnt observation was the simulation of PGS cell line by (-)ine; plants.,'1.6r instance 0(th/cwt./A' itroiliu/, Ylaittims,vt)tna-christi, fruiticosa, Retema raetam, and I'arietaria diffusa. These plant species were used in folkloric medicine for many diseases and disorders. Significantly, stimulation of LNCaP and MCF-7 cell lines was observed also with Ouercus calliprines and Chrysanthemum coronarium, which are used as popular remedies. Therefore, care must be taken with respect to the great number of plant extracts that show stimulation of cancer cells. The results demonstrated that Ether and Acetone fractions were the most active against the test cell lines. In addition Diethyl Ether dissolved terpeniods and some alkaloids, some of diterpenes and sesquiterpenes compounds act as anticancer drugs. Test cancer cell lines differed significantly in relation to their susceptibility to different plant extracts used. The most susceptible test cell line was PC-3, whereas the least susceptible one was L,NCaP.
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