تقييم البيئة التربوية لصفوف مختبرات العلوم لطلبة المرحلة الجامعية

Discussion Committee: 
د. محمد سالم العملة - رئيساً
د. احمد فهيم جبر - عضواً
د. موسى عابدين - عضواً
د. محمد العملة
ربحي أحمد الحاج حمد
Science faculty student assessment of actual and preferred science laboratory classes were investigated in this study at Palestine universities. This assessment was studied through five factors, these factors ore as follows: (1) Assessment of Student Cohesiveness in science laboratory classes. (2) Assessment of Open-Endedness behavior in science laboratory classes. (3) Assessment of Integration laboratory activities and non-laboratory classes. (4) Assessment of Rule Clarity ( following the formal rules) in science laboratory classes. (5) Assessment of Material Environment (laboratory equipment and material adequacy) in science laboratory classes. The effects of three independent variables related to students were studied in specific : sex, major, and year of study. The study was conducted on a stratified random sample which consisted of (130) students , selected from a representative population of the science faculty students in Palestinian universities on the basis of the study three independent variables. Repeated measures design procedure was used to test the hypotheses of the study. The translation of the items of the instrument used was submitted to a group of specialists who found it valid for the purpose of the study. The final form of the instrument consisted of (35) statements for the actual laboratory classes and another (35) statements for the preferred laboratory classes , which was tested for reliability using Spearman Brown equation and the coefficient of reliability was found to be (0.65). The study was carried out through testing null hypotheses categorized in three categories , each was related to one of the five factors, these are: 1. There was no significant difference (alpha = 0.05 ) in student assessment of actual and preferred science laboratory classes due to sex effect. ( Hypotheses 1 - 5 ) 2. There was no significant difference (alpha = 0.05 ) in student assessment of actual and preferred science laboratory classes due to major effect. ( Hypotheses 6 -10 ) 3.There was no significant difference (alpha = 0.05 ) in student assessment of actual and preferred science laboratory classes due to the year of study effect. (Hypotheses 11 - 15) The major findings of the study were : 1. There was a significant difference (alpha = 0.05 ) in student assessment of the five factors in the actual and preferred environments regardless of sex, major, and year of study, and this difference was in favor the preferred environment. 2. There was no significant difference (alpha = 0.05 ) in student assessment of Student Cohesiveness in science laboratory classes due to sex, major, and year of study. 3. There was no significant difference (alpha = 0.05 ) in student assessment of Open-Endedness behavior due to sex and the year of study . 4. There was a significant difference (alpha = 0.05 ) in student assessment of Open-Endedness activities due to major , and this difference was in favor of chemistry students. 5. There was no significant difference (alpha = 0.05 ) in student assessment of Integration activities due to sex, majo , and year of study. 6. There was no significant difference (alpha = 0.05 ) in student assessment of Rule Clarity ( following the formal rules) due to sex , major, and year of study. 7. There was no significant difference (alpha = 0.05 ) in student assessment of Material Environment ( laboratory equipment and material adequacy ) in the science laboratory classes due to sex and year of study. 8. There was no significant difference (alpha = 0.05 ) in student' assessment of Material Environment ( laboratory equipment and material adequacy ) in the science laboratory classes due to their major , and this difference was in favor of chemistry students. These results emphasize that in actual science laboratory classes students need a more cooperative, helpful, and mutually supportive atmosphere beside well-equipped science laboratory classes with materials and equipments. The researcher recommends that more research in this field could be conducted at different levels of study would contribute to the improvement of science laboratory classes.
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