العلاقة بين القدرة المكانية والتحصيل المدرسي في مادة الرياضيات لطلبة الصف السابع الأساسي في مدارس منطقة نابلس

Discussion Committee: 
د. صلاح الدين ياسين- مشرفاً
د. محمد العملة - عضواً
د. سفيان عبد اللطيف كمال - عضواً
د. صلاح الدين ياسين
سائدة جاسر محمود عفونة
Spatial ability plays a very important role in our daily life .Thus; the aim of this study was to explore the relationship between S.P and achievement in mathematics for a sample of seventh - grade students, who participated in this study. The validity of assessment of mathematics was target consideration of this research .Besides sex differences between high achievers and low achievers in school mathematics noted by their teacher’s scores were studied. The sample of this study consisted of (286) subjects of the 7th grader from the Nablus area in Palestine. Eight classes were participated in this study , 4 male classes and 4 female classes from 8 different schools .The instrument of this study was wheatly scores spatial test . The other instrument used in this study was prepared by the researcher for the interviews, after it was validated by a panel of experts and a test - retest reliability coefficient was computed and found to be 0.78. Four mull hypotheses were tested at level α=0.05 were rejected. The first three hypothesis were dealing with person correlation coefficient and (with r = 0.45) between the averages of student scores in mathematics and their average scores in whitely spatial test. The results show that there was a positive significant correlation between the spatial test and mathematics. Eight students were chosen for further study in this research, after there were a conflict between their scores in school mathematics and their scores in whitely spatial test. After analysis the results of the interviews, those students who had high scores at school just were good in problems related to mathematics school curriculum only. In contrast their performance was very weak on solving problems outside the realms of school mathematics curriculum. But the other group who were rated as low achiever in school mathematics by their teachers scores, perform very good in the interviews at those problems outside school mathematics curriculum and they perform weakly at those Problems related to mathematics school curriculum. Finally this study recommends firstly visual ability must be considered in teaching mathematics, especially by using instructional aides, pictures and figures. Secondly Teachers should be trained about the important of a variety of modem methods of teaching and evaluating mathematics. Finally visual ability must play a major role in writing mathematics school curriculum.
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