اتجاهات معلمي الرياضيات والعلوم نحو الزيارات الصفية التي يقوم بها المشرف التربوي في مدارس وكالة الغوث الدولية في الضفة الغربية

Discussion Committee: 
د. محمود كوري- رئيساً
د. خولة شخشير صبري- عضواً
د, أحمد فهيم جبر- عضواً
د. محمود كوري
فايق محمود الطيب أبو كشك
One of the direct supervisory methods is the classroom visit which held by the school supervisor , to observe the classroom teaching learning process to be aware of how the teacher organizes and facilitates the students learning , for improving the teaching learning process . Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the attitudes of the Mathematics and Science teachers toward classroom visits which held by the school supervisors at UNRWA schools in the West Bank to develop the supervisory competencies , especially in the classroom visits. The effect of sex , specialization , qualification , and experience on the teachers attitudes toward classroom visits was also investigated . Methodology: The sample of this study consisted of (82) teachers (41 males , 4 I females) representing 30% of the study population A questionnaire of (48) items was used in this study to measure the teachers attitudes toward classroom visits in four dimensions (pre-meeting , classroom observation , post-meeting , and evaluation report) . Teachers ranked their attitudes toward each question on a live point Likert scale . The content validity was assessed by seven educators and a pilot study was conducted to determine the reliability of the study instrument . 1. The reliability coefficient was (0.97) by using half-splitting method while it was (0.89) by using test-retest method. The collected data was analyzed by the computer , and the following statistical methods were used in testing the hypotheses of the study t-test . 2. One Way Repeated Measures Design. 3. Scheffe. test . ii Findings & Conclusions : The results of the study revealed the following : 1. Mathematics and Science teachers had positive attitudes toward classroom visits with statistically significant level (0.05). 2. No significant differences were found between the attitudes of mathematics teachers and science teachers on the last three dimensions of the attitudes scale. The only significant difference between these attitudes, was found on the first dimension (pre-meeting), infavour of mathematics teachers. 3. No significant differences were found among the means of the four dimensions of the attitudes scale as perceived by the mathematics teachers, except the two dimensions (post-meeting and evaluation report) infavour of post-meeting. 4. No significant differences were found between the means of the following dimensions , as perceived by the science teachers. 1- pre-meeting and evaluation report. 2- Classroom observation and post-meeting. 3- Classroom observation and evaluation report. Significant differences were found between the means of the Following dimensions as perceived by the science teachers : 1- Pre-meeting and classroom observation . infavour of classroom observation. 2- Ike-meeting and post-meeting infavour of post-meeting. 3- Post-meeting and evaluation report infavour of post-meeting 5. No significant differences were found between the attitudes of mathematics and science teachers. on the general attitudes scale in respect of the variables : sex, specialization and experience. Significant difference was found on the qualification variable in favour of diploma holders. Recommendations : I) Conducting further research to investigate the teachers attitudes toward classroom visits at UNRWA schools in the West Bank in other specializations rather than mathematics and science . 2) Conducting comparative studies on teachers attitudes toward classroom visits between UNRWA & Government school teachers . 3)Inviting the UNRWA department of education at the West Bank to evaluate the educational supervisory process , especially in the classroom visits . 4) Increasing the supervisory staff members to make the classroom visit more useful to achieve its aims.
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