إدارة الصراع التنظيمي لدى إداريي وزارة الشباب والرياضة في فلسطين

Discussion Committee: 
د. عبد الناصر القدومي- رئيساً
د. عطية مصلح- ممتحناً خارجياً
د. عبد الرحيم برهم- عضواً
د. مجيد منصور- عضواً
د. عبد الناصر عبد الرحيم القدومي
مروان عيسى وشاحي
The aim of the study is to recognize the real organizational conflict among the Administrators in the Ministry of Youth & Sport in Palestine, especially the reasons of the conflict, the styles used in organizational conflict management, and also studying the sex variation effects (gender), experience, educational qualification, field of specialization, the place of work on the styles of organizational conflict management. For the purpose of the study, the researcher developed a questionnaire which composed of three parts: the first part is based on personal information, the second part includes the reasons of the organizational conflict, while the third part includes the questionnaire that "Thomas & kilman, 1986" developed for measuring the methods of organizational conflict management. After proving the reliability and stability of the questionnaire, the researcher distributed it on the study population that consists of the total group of the working administrators in the Ministry in the districts of the West Bank starting from (director general, directors, acting directors and CEO of Dept.) that numbered 140 administrators. After collecting and analyzing data statistically, the results were as follows: 1. The organizational conflict which is created among the administrators of the Ministry of Youth & Sport in Palestine is due to practical and organizational reasons like: loss of determination of delegation and responsibilities, loose-lying power, interaction in different fields of work and role ambiguity, contradiction of decisions in different managerial levels. In addition to personal reasons like: job dissatisfaction, loss of job security, discrimination in manner among the staff and the variety of the staff competence, merit and trends. Methods of compromising, cooperation and avoidance were the most common among the administrators of the Ministry, whereas methods of competition and accommodation were the less common among them. On the other hand, the methods of organizational conflict management were ordered from more common to less common as follows: compromising, cooperation, avoidance, competition, and lastly accommodation style. 3. There are differences among administrators of the Ministry of Youth & Sport in using organizational conflict styles, which is due gender, where males use (compromising, cooperation, avoidance and accommodation styles) more than females, whereas females use competition style more than males. 4. There are differences among the administrators in using the methods of cont1ict management which is due to job degree variation. Thus compromising style is more in use by the CEO (Chiefs of Dept.), while cooperation style is more used by general managers, avoidance style is more used by vice directors, competition style is more used by CEO, and lastly accommodation style is more used by vice directors. 5. There are differences among the administrators in using the methods of conflict management which is due to variety of experience. Thus, compromising style is more in use by the third experience degree (11-15 years), cooperation style is used by the fourth experience degree (16 years and above). On the contrary, avoidance style is used more by the first experience degree (1-5 years), and competition style is used more by the second experience degree (6-10) years. 6. There are differences among the administrators in using the methods of conflict management which is due to educational qualification variable. Thus, compromising and cooperation styles are more used by the holders of B.A. degree, avoidance style is used by the M.A. degree and above, the competition style is used more by the holders of Tawjihi certificate, and the accommodating style is more used by Diploma degree holders. 7 . There are differences among the administrators in using the methods of conflict management which is due to the field of study variable. Thus, compromising style is more used by the commercial sciences, cooperation style is more used by the administration sciences, while avoidance and competition styles are used by the educational sciences, and accommodating style is more used by the social sciences. 8. There are differences among the administrators in using the methods of conflict management which is due to place of work variable. Thus, compromising and accommodating styles are more used by the staff in directorates, cooperation, avoidance, and competition styles are more used by the staff in sport complexes. Based on the above mentioned results, and after analyzing and discussing the results, the study call the line authority to pay attention and more interest of rehabilitation programs for the administrators in the field of conflict management methods, directing the administrators for more cooperation, reevaluating and developing the existing administration system of the Ministry. Motivating and encouraging interpersonal relations and cooperation among the staff of the ministry, creating good structural atmosphere, and lastly supporting additional studies relating to organizational conflict issues.
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