مصادر الضغط النفسي لدى معلمي المدارس الحكومية الأساسية والثانوية في لواء نابلس

Discussion Committee: 
Dr. Ghassan El-Helo
فوزي عادل المساعيد
This study aims at exploring the sources of psychological stress of the government school teachers in the Nablus District. It also aims at finding out statistically whether there are statistically indicative differences between the means of teachers' answers to the psychological stress sources such as, burden and vagueness of the role, work stress, school stress, professional satisfaction and the leading pattern of the school principal which are attributed to a number of variables related to teachers. These variables are age, experience, instructional stage, sex , experience, location of school and instructional level. A sample of (190) teachers has been randomly chosen. This sample forms 13% of the study community. To explore the psychological stress sources, the researcher made use of a study instrument, used by Abu-Mughli's study (1987) in the Jordanian environment, after being modified. The study made use of six hypotheses tested after collecting and analyzing the data using the statistical packages for the social sciences (SPSS). The researcher made use of the one-way analysis of a variance test to test the first three hypotheses, the t-test to test the fourth hypothesis and the two-way analysis of a variance test to test the fifth and sixth hypotheses. The statistical analysis findings showed the psychological stress sources, that the government school teachers are exposed to, ordered in accordance with their importance as follows : burden and vagueness of the role, work stress, school stress, professional satisfaction and the leading pattern of the school principal. The study reveals the existence of statistically indicative differences in the means of the teachers' answers about the sources of psychological stress, that are related to work stress burden and vagueness of the role and school stress attributed to age, instructional level and instructional stage variables. The finding of the fourth hypothesis showed the existence of statistically indicative differences in the means of the teachers' answers about the fourth dimension, the professional satisfaction, attributed to work location variable. As for the fifth hypothesis, the findings showed a statistically indicative interaction between the psychological stress sources and sex variable and finally, the study didn't show any statistically indicative interaction between the psychological stress sources and experience. In the light of the findings mentioned above, the researcher recommends reviewing the plans drawn up for schools regarding organization and management. This can be done through the qualification courses for school principals in the field of school management. In addition, periodic evaluation plans can be drawn up to uncover the causes of psychological stress. The researcher recommends as well that further field studies pertaining to the level and features of psychological stress and its relation to certain variables should be carried out.
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