(الدرس الصوتي عند ابن عصفور (ت 669هـ

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This research deals with phonetic thoughts according to lbn-Asfour. And it is introduced to achieve this aim. So the introduction showed the Importance of the research, its style and difficulties which the researcher Faced. The First chapter, reveals the many aspects of the life of lbn-Asfour, Taking into account his birth, skiekhs (tutors), his pupils, his classifications' His scientific rank, and finally his death. The second chapter deals with the study of phonetic problems According to lbn-Asfour, in accordance to the number of Arabic Sounds' Divisions, sound source, and sound qualities comparing that with old and Modern linguists, indicating the reason for their contrast. The third chapter, which is the main one, deals purely with the study of More phonetic problems according to lbn-Asfour. This chapter also Includes the most obvious grammatical phonetic problems including Germination, inflection defection and analysis its examples according to Contemporary phonetics. For that, it depended on phonetic rules and Phonemic analysis of some of the previous examples pointing out the Reasons for occurrences of such cases phonetically. That is represented in the Fluency of pronunciation and the frugality of physical (muscular) effort. Whereas the fourth chapter includes the phonetic source from which lbn-Asfour got his material and how much he was affected by preceding scientists in this Field. The conclusion of the research includes the results which the researcher came out with, and that all through the research it is noticed that the ancient linguists including lbn-Asfour had reached valuable results in this phonetic Field depending on self-observation and keen thinking. But, in spite of that there are some contradictive points between the ancient and the contemporary linguists in relating some sounds to their .sources and the description of some other sounds. Anyway, what was produced in ancient phonetics, is to be the main gem and the basis for modern phonetic, studies, although the contemporary linguists have reached to more precise results as they depend on more developed machines and phonetic (language) laboratories which share in giving sound its exact quality.
This research deals with phonetic thoughts according to lbn-Asfour. And it is introduced to achieve this aim. So the introduction showed the Importance of the research, its style and difficulties which the researcher Faced. The First chapter, reveals the many aspects of the life of lbn-Asfour, Taking into account his birth, skiekhs (tutors), his pupils, his classifications' His scientific rank, and finally his death. The second chapter deals with the study of phonetic problems According to lbn-Asfour, in accordance to the number of Arabic Sounds' Divisions, sound source, and sound qualities comparing that with old and Modern linguists, indicating the reason for their contrast. The third chapter, which is the main one, deals purely with the study of More phonetic problems according to lbn-Asfour. This chapter also Includes the most obvious grammatical phonetic problems including Germination, inflection defection and analysis its examples according to Contemporary phonetics. For that, it depended on phonetic rules and Phonemic analysis of some of the previous examples pointing out the Reasons for occurrences of such cases phonetically. That is represented in the Fluency of pronunciation and the frugality of physical (muscular) effort. Whereas the fourth chapter includes the phonetic source from which lbn-Asfour got his material and how much he was affected by preceding scientists in this Field. The conclusion of the research includes the results which the researcher came out with, and that all through the research it is noticed that the ancient linguists including lbn-Asfour had reached valuable results in this phonetic Field depending on self-observation and keen thinking. But, in spite of that there are some contradictive points between the ancient and the contemporary linguists in relating some sounds to their .sources and the description of some other sounds. Anyway, what was produced in ancient phonetics, is to be the main gem and the basis for modern phonetic, studies, although the contemporary linguists have reached to more precise results as they depend on more developed machines and phonetic (language) laboratories which share in giving sound its exact quality.