Work Values in Textbooks of National and Civil Education of the Higher Basic Stage in Jordan

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Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Monday, February 23, 2009
Monim Al-Saydeh
Hamed Talafhah
Ola Hamaideh

The Study aimed to investigate the professional work values that should be included in the textbooks of national and civil education for the higher basic stage (grades: 8, 9, and 10) in Jordan. A list of (57) values was developed, and moderated by curriculum specialists. It was also represented to specialists to estimate the frequencies with which values should be included in textbooks. The list consisted of six domains: managerial, technical, cognitive, personal, interpersonal, and group-system values. Content analysis of textbooks was undertaken to find the frequencies of inclusion of these values in textbooks adopting the concept as the subject of analysis. Results revealed that work-related values were most included in the textbook of the tenth grade, followed by the eighth, and then the ninth. Managerial values were the highest in inclusion, followed by interpersonal, technical, personal, cognitive, and group-system values. Also there were (11) values not included in textbooks, they were: discipline, accuracy of objectives and results, cost detection, like of wisdom, altruism, modesty, trust giving, holistic vision, achievement of satisfaction, reinforcement of analytical ability, goodness of situation expression. There were no consistency between frequencies of inclusion of work values in textbooks and curriculum specialists' expected frequencies (expected were higher than the real inclusion). Therefore it was recommended to include these values in the textbooks.

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