"AL-Ahdath" Movements in Damascus during the Fatimid Govern 359-468AH. / 969-1075AD

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Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Hasan Ayyash

Syria was a part of the Abbasid State, which suffered from a political vacuum due to weakness of the Abbasid state and inability to stand against attempts to control the internal and external forces. Cities were exposed to repeated attempts of those forces, First among those is Fatimid which appeared at the scene strongly, after entering Egypt (358AH\869AD) It is pointed out that during that repeated attempts, without exception, their populations subjected to injustice , abuse and extortion. In particular the study discussed the revolutions in the cities of Syria, focusing on opposition groups that arose on the political systems, and found themselves and their cities who oppression, such as sovereignty poor economic and Social conditions system and coercive political systems. The study focused on the city of Damascus, the most susceptible to various aspects. The poor conditions have produced the aforementioned revolutionary movements felt for the right to defend themselves before those regulations. These movements were called "AL-Ahdath" (any young boy). The study also deals with "AL-Ahdath" as movements which refused to be not absorbed in the community dominatesd by the general of people. The study subjected: "AL-Ahdath" Movements in Damascus during the Fatimid Govern. It centered around the word "AL-Ahdath" and origin showing the evolution of their movements, , arming, resources organizing and their resources and their relationship with the population and with the Fatimid state, and then presented to the most important movements in Damascus, then subjected to some light on the movements of "AL-Ahdath" in some cities in Syria.

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